When people ask if the lyrics or the music comes first when writing a song, I say, "Yes, it’s both". It’s very seldom that I’ll have the concept of the song and the lyrics written before I start writing the music.
Songwriting is a messy business. You bring together a bunch of disparate things into a cohesive whole and the process can be a little convoluted. It becomes more complicated as you add others to the process.
Also, you can’t be too critical of what you are doing at this point. As Paul McCartney famously sang in outtakes from the song “Yesterday”, “scrambled eggs”. Paul used “scrambled eggs” as a placeholder until he had a better word. Had Paul been very critical of what he was writing he may have abandoned the song, and we wouldn’t have the song “Yesterday”.
I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes podcast. This is part two of our songwriting sessions with Greg Chastain founder and president of Voices of Hope. Listen in now as he and I write and record a song together about Greg and his mom.
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When people ask if the lyrics or the music comes first when writing a song, I say, "Yes, it’s both". It’s very seldom that I’ll have the concept of the song and the lyrics written before I start writing the music.
Songwriting is a messy business. You bring together a bunch of disparate things into a cohesive whole and the process can be a little convoluted. It becomes more complicated as you add others to the process.
Also, you can’t be too critical of what you are doing at this point. As Paul McCartney famously sang in outtakes from the song “Yesterday”, “scrambled eggs”. Paul used “scrambled eggs” as a placeholder until he had a better word. Had Paul been very critical of what he was writing he may have abandoned the song, and we wouldn’t have the song “Yesterday”.
I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes podcast. This is part two of our songwriting sessions with Greg Chastain founder and president of Voices of Hope. Listen in now as he and I write and record a song together about Greg and his mom.
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