Tim Tunes

4-5 The Waiting Room - Part 5

June 07, 2023 Tim Rose Season 4 Episode 5

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It’s with mixed emotions, some sadness, and some relief, that we come to Part 5 of the Waiting Room set of podcasts. I’ll admit I’m somewhat relieved to be at the end of this journey, but also a little sad that I’ll have to work harder to put together the next podcast. You see, it’s been relatively easy for me to crank these sessions out as most of the content was already written and recorded. 

I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes pod cast. This episode is the fifth and final episode in the serialized version of The Waiting Room. If you have not listened to season 4 episodes 1-4, I suggest you stop and go back and listen to those episodes before listening to this one. 

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[Intro Theme – Motor]

It’s with mixed emotions, some sadness, and some relief, that we come to Part 5 of the Waiting Room set of podcasts. I’ll admit I’m somewhat relieved to be at the end of this journey, but also a little sad that I’ll have to work harder to put together the next podcast. You see, it’s been relatively easy for me to crank these sessions out as most of the content was already written and recorded. When I initially conceived of The Waiting Room it was a loosely bound set of songs around the experience of dealing with cancer. Several years ago, I did a sort of workshop with my friends at Voices of Hope, a group that I perform with to raise money for cancer research. There were several changes that they suggested that wound up making the show much better, in my opinion. I’m dedicating this last episode to them and hope that if you’ve enjoyed this series that you consider making a donation at vohboston.org

[Pod Lick]

Hi. I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes pod cast. This episode is the fifth and final episode in the serialized version of The Waiting Room. If you have not listened to season 4 episodes 1-4, I suggest you stop and go back and listen to those episodes before listening to this one.

[Pod Lick – Big D]

[About This Part]

After I wrote Second Opinion, which pokes fun at the doctors who treat cancer patients, I felt a little guilty. I mean these are, after all, the people who provide life extending and sustaining care to us. I felt like I needed to give the doctors a little love. So after conversations with several of my nurse and doctor friends, and especially conversations with Dr. Charlie Phelps, I thought I would write a tribute to those who work on the front lines and have to deal with patients on a daily basis. Since I initially wrote the song “Healer”, we have had a global pandemic that killed millions of people world-wide.  I can’t imagine what that must have been like for health providers. I offer the song “Healer” as my tribute to them.


Now we come to the end of the show. There is a lot happening in the final number “You Are Not Alone – Together”. Originally conceived as two separate numbers I combined them for the finale. At the beginning of “You Are Not Alone” REED sings to their partner CHRIS and, simultaneously, KELSEY sings to RENE. In this moment both couples are in their own worlds and have parallel experiences.  In the next verse, the care givers, doctors, and nurses, join in and show their support. In the bridge which begins “And those of us who do not know you”, everyone else joins in including researchers, fund raisers and donors. Heck, I’d be Ok if audience members want to join in, maybe some real doctors, nurses, researchers, fund raisers and donors could stand up and sing.

The end of “You are Not Alone” segues directly into the song “Together” which functions as the curtain call music. “Together” was written as part of my first musical “Homeless Souls”, I realized with very minor modifications it could be used as the curtain call music for “The Waiting Room”. During the son, different groups of people come out for their bows as timed with the music. If you want more info on how this works take a look at the transcript on my buzzfeed site, or just ask me.


When we last left our cast KAI had just signed the DNR for SAM and was headed into the exam room.  ANGELO enters and stops to talk to RENE… 

[Act II - Scene 5]

(RENE stops ANGELO as he crosses the stage)
RENE: (to ANGELO) Look, KAI signed the DNR.
ANGELO: (takes the form, looks at it, and gives it back to RENE with a heavy sigh.) Thanks!
(Lights focus on ANGELO who sings Healer to KELSEY and RENE) 

(Guitar note: Capo 5 as written)

           G         C          G                                                                                                                       1st Verse
I am a healer, first of all
               Em      A7            D7
I took an oath to       do no harm
                    G                          C          Cm7
And though frustrated I am still strong
              Em           A7                          D7
Despite distraction,     whether right or wrong
           C        D7     G
I am a healer after all

                   G          C             G                                                                                                          2nd Verse
When I was younger and still naïve
               Em      A7                  D7
Nothing could touch me, so I believed
                          G                             C          Cm7
Though I seem cold and sometimes aloof
               Em           A7                 D7
Nothing is further         from the truth
           C        D7     G
I am a healer, first of all

Em7                                                       Cmaj7/E                                                                            Bridge
Through my practice and my skills you trust in me to fix your ills
D /F#                                                   C/G
In my hands I hold your fate and I bend beneath this mighty weight,
Am7                       C                       D7
But I don’t break, I bend but I don’t break
Because another needs my talents now
I will struggle through somehow
D /F#                                                   C/G
I’ll hold my feelings close and low low Then I’ll let them out
                 Am      C                      D7
When not alone - maybe with a fellow

G                   C          G                                                                                                                           3rd Verse
For I am a healer, first of all
               Em      A7                   D7
Can you not see me behind my wall?
                    G                          C          Cm7
I am not hiding, because you see
             Em       A7             D7
Healing you should be      healing me
                 C         D7   G
As I am a healer after all

(ANGELO faces upstage as RENE returns to the desk)

[Act II - Scene 6 and Curtain Call ]

(All during the previous song the cast has been filtering onto the stage. They now face upstage or are looking down or to the side. REED and CHRIS come out of the offstage Exam Area and approach the desk.)
CHRIS: (angry) I need to make an appointment for two weeks from now. I guess we’ll be coming back… (begins to cry and can’t finish)
REED: (hugging and comforting CHRIS) Hey! It’s gonna be alright. (to RENE and KELSEY) Give us just a minute, okay? (They move away from the desk and REED sings You Are Not Alone)
(RENE’s mask starts to slip a bit as he/she is visibly shaken by this turn of events)
KELSEY: (to RENE) Are you okay?
RENE: I was just thinking that if something happened to me, I don’t think I’d be missed. My dog might miss me…
KELSEY: Oh, please. You must know everyone here loves you. Heck, I just met you and I’d miss you.
RENE: Thanks…

PAT and MAX:
When we gather together no problem is too great
There is nothing we can't do together.
SAM and KAI:
Through storm or foul weather Through bad luck, even fate
There is nothing we can't do together.
Together we will climb to heights unknown
Together we will help to build a home
Together we can do most anything.
‘Cause one plus one is more than two alone.
REED and CHRIS:   
When we open our hearts, and let each other in
There is nothing we can't do together.
Then we can start and once again begin
There is nothing we can't do together.
Together we will climb to heights unknown.
Together we will help to build a home.
Together we can do most anything.
 ‘Cause one plus one is more than two alone.

Together               Together

(REED and KELSEY start the song “You Are Not Alone” and are joined by the rest of the cast)

D C G, D C A, D C G, D C A                                                                                                             INTRO

REED and KELSEY sing:)
D                                    Em                                                                                                                      VERSE 1
I am here beside you whatever comes to pass
           G                   A                             D           C         G       D C A
I will always be beside you from the first until the last

                       D                 E                                                                                                                CHORUS 1
You are not alone. I am here.
                           G            A                        D    C         G       
As long as you need me I’m not going anywhere
                           D                                E
Whatever you need, I am by your side
                                      G       A                          D C G, D C A
I’ll do my best to provide.       You are not alone.

(All of CHRIS’s caregivers, the nurses, orderly’s, RENE, KELSEY and ANGELO, stand if sitting, turn to face the audience and sing)

D                                    Em                                                                                                                     VERSE 2
We are thinking of you in our prayers and thoughts
        G                            A                   D           C         G       D C A
And though we’re not beside you, we hold you in our hearts

                        D                      E                                                                                                        CHORUS 2
You are not alone. We are here.
                            G            A                          D    C         G
As long as you need us we’re not going anywhere
                           D                                    E
Whatever you need, we are on your side
                                           G       A                          D C G, D C A
We’ll do our best to provide.      You are not alone

(The rest of the cast, posing as researchers, lab techs, administrators, fund raisers, and donors, stand, turn to the audience and sing)

Bm                                                                C                                                                                     BRIDGE
Those of us who do not know you, but work to end your plight
G                                                 D        C           G
We also stand beside you to carry on your fight
Bm                                            E
We can’t see tomorrow, so we can’t know our lot
        G                                                      A           A7           B                         B7
But come what may, we will stay until the battle’s fought      until the battle’s fought

(ALL Sing)
                        E                      F#                                                                                           CHORUS 3 & END
You are not alone. We are all here
                            A            B                          E    D         A
As long as you need us we’re not going anywhere
                           E                                                    F#
Whatever you need, we’ll do our best to provide

                                         A       B                      E D A, E D B                 
We’re always on your side. You are not alone

(REED singing directly to CHRIS, KELSEY singing directly to RENE)
                     E                            F#                           A       B              E   A  B A E A B A           
You are not alone. We are all here.
       (All SING)
                             A       B                              E   A  B A E A B A
So have no fear.       You are not alone

(PAT and MAX sing:)
                E            A              B                    A                                                                    Together - VERSE 1   
When we gather together no problem is too great
               E                        A      B          A! A
There is nothing we can't do together.
(SAM and KAI sing:)
             E                  A                        B                       A     
Through storm or foul weather Through bad luck, even fate
               E                        A     B            A! A
There is nothing we can't do together.

(ANGELO and BAILEY sing)
A                        B                            E           Esus   E                                                                    CHORUS 1
Together we will climb to heights unknown
A                        B                     E             Esus       E
Together we will help to build a home

G#7                      A           B   E       B   A
Together we can do most anything

(ALL sing)
A                                   B                      E          A    B   A   E A B
‘Cause one plus one is more than two alone.

(REED and CHRIS sing)   
         E            A              B                    A                                                                                            VERSE 2       
When we open our hearts and let each other in
                 E                      A     B                    A! A
There is nothing we can't do together

(KELSEY and RENE sing)
E            A              B                    A         
Then we can start and once again begin
               E                        A     B            A!
There is nothing we can't do together.

A                        B                            E           Esus   E                                                                        CHORUS 1
Together we will climb to heights unknown
A                        B                     E             Esus       E
Together we will help to build a home
G#7                      A           B   E       B   A
Together we can do most anything
A                                   B                      E         
‘Cause one plus one is more than two alone.

A    B   A      E     A    B  A       E         A   B      A! A                                                                    ENDING
                Together               Together


Alas and hooray we’ve come to the end of our journey through the Waiting Room. I hope you’ve enjoyed the show. I’m toying with the idea of editing the Waiting Room script and songs from all 5 of the podcasts into a single special edition so that you can listen to the entire serialized version without interruption or comment. Let me know what you think at timtunespodcast, all one word, @gmail.com.

Also, if you feel so inclined please make a donation to vohboston.org to support cancer research. And finally if you’d like to support me you can either find me on Patreon.com and become a donor or just end me little something @rimtoes on venmo or paypal. That’s rimtoes R-I-M-T-O-E-S. That will help keep the lights on, or at least pay for my podcast publishing fees.

Thanks for listening. I’ll be back in a few weeks with another edition. Until then, stay healthy!