Tim Tunes
I’m Tim Rose and I’ve been writing songs for over 50 years. Each episode I’ll feature two or three songs that I’ve written over the years on a particular theme or subject or I'll interview someone who has been a key influence on me and my songwriting and performing. In the podcast I’ll explain what I am doing in each song, where they came from and the circumstances under which they were recorded. In interviews I'll explain how we met, how the interviewee became involved in music and how they influenced my work.
Tim Tunes
5-9 Tret Fure - Songwriter, Performer, Teacher and Sound Engineer - Part 2
How do you summarize the life work of an artist? How do you condense and focus on the essentials of an artist’s entire career? Especially when confronted with a body of work as large and varied as Tret Fure’s.
Like her namesake The Furies, Tret is sometimes angry, beautiful, and dark. A warrior whose flaming sword is her voice – and whose shining shield is her wit and the inventiveness of her writing. She comes flying in on her guitar steed ready for battle with red eyes speaking truth to power and exposing hypocrisy.
And yet, Tret always gives us hope, a path through the madness of our world. And I like to think that this is largely due to the love and support of her family. I mean, isn’t it our families and friends that keep us all from going off the rails?
I’m Tim Rose and this is the Tim Tunes pod cast. Welcome to part two of two episodes where we’ll continue our interview with the multi-talented, Tret Fure.
In this episode we’ll discuss Tret’s advocacy, her family and what’s next for the talented singer songwriter performer teacher and pet portraitist. If you haven’t listened to Part One, I highly recommend that you go back and give it a listen before listening to this episode
Tret has asked for donations to No Child Goes Hungry as her preferred charity. Please consider making a donation.
Also you can contact Tret directly through her web page tretfure.com if you'd like to attend one of her classes or want to go on one of her songwriting trips or would like a personal guitar and/or songwriting lesson or would like a portrait of a cherished pet.
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And get lots of extra documentation and music associated with the show.